How to Apply
Choose a Writing Sample
The writing sample should represent your current abilities as a writer. It should be no more than 4,000 words long and should be in standard manuscript format.
If you have a complete short story that fulfills these qualifications, then that is often the best thing to send. If you write very short pieces, you may send two, if the total is under 4,000 words, but no more than two.
If you only write longer stories or novels, then often the best option is to send the opening section of the work with a brief synopsis of the rest (the total of excerpt plus synopsis should be no more than 4,000 words).
Remember, the application deadline for all 3 sessions is April 1!
Fill Out Application
Fill out the application form below.
Submit the application, writing sample, and $50 processing fee: BUT FIRST! Before you start filling out your application, scroll down to make sure there’s an “I’m not a robot” checkbox and a box for your signature near the bottom (not the top) of the application. If not, reload this page.