Resources for Graduates
We’ve set up a variety of resources for graduates of the Odyssey Writing Workshop (otherwise known as Odfellows) and graduates of the Odyssey Online Classes. Writing is a solitary activity, and it can sometimes help a lot just to know that other people are struggling with the same issues you are. With these various resources, you can continue to improve your writing and keep in touch with other Odyssey graduates—to exchange information, discuss writing issues, receive feedback on your work, and build friendships.
Please make sure to keep Odyssey updated with your current address, phone, and e-mail, so we can inform you of any new resources or developments.

Odfellow Discussion:
A discussion board for Odyssey graduates from all years, focused on writing and writing-related issues. Members ask questions, offer information, report progress (or the lack thereof), report sales and rejections, share problems, market information, and insights about writing. Because this is a large group, we try to keep on topic, so members aren’t overwhelmed with posts on topics that aren’t of interest. The people on this group have a wide range of backgrounds and knowledge and can be a great resource for you. The board is run by Matthew Rotundo (class of ’98) at He, Rita Oakes (class of ’98), and Jeanne Cavelos form the moderator panel, which takes action in the rare cases where someone repeatedly posts off-topic or where a member flames another member. If you sign up, you will receive a welcome message from Matt with information about how the group works. You may want to introduce yourself as part of your first post.

Odfellow Critique:
A discussion board for exchanging critiques with graduates of Odyssey’s workshops and Odyssey’s online classes. Members post their manuscripts. You can critique whichever submissions you want, whenever you want. The board is run by Jenny Green (class of ’17) at If you sign up, she will send you an e-mail with more information about how the group works.

Odfellow Log:
The Odfellows’ Log is a newsletter with articles about writing, markets, genre, conventions, and news about graduates. The newsletter comes out 1-2 times a year and is distributed free through the Odfellow Discussion board. The newsletter is edited and published by Rita Oakes (class of ’98) at All the material is written by Odfellows, so if you feel the urge, contact Rita about an article you’d like to write or any newsbites you’d like to share.

Odyssey Discussion Boards for Individual Classes:
A discussion board is set up for each Odyssey graduating class. This is where you can keep in touch with the friends you have made, let everyone know how you’re doing on various projects, and post more conversational/ personal messages that wouldn’t be appropriate on Odfellow Discussion. Each group is maintained by a member of that particular class. If you’d like to know who is in charge of the group for your class, contact Jeanne Cavelos at

Odyssey Guest Lecturer Recordings:
Guests agree to have the audio of their lectures recorded, with the understanding that the recordings will be made available to Odyssey students and graduates only, and will not be duplicated, shared, or posted. As a graduate, you will be given access to groups of recordings periodically.

The Never-Ending Odyssey (TNEO):
An invitation-only, 8-day workshop for graduates of Odyssey. Started in 1998, TNEO is a unique program at which writing professionals and near-professionals with the shared background of Odyssey work together to improve their skills. Major components of the workshop include daily four-hour workshopping sessions, a master class focused on a particular element of fiction, daily writing hours, writing exercises, a brainstorming session, a problem-solving session, a novel synopsis critique session, read-aloud sessions, a slam, and the TNEO Salon Fantastique, open in the evenings for literary discussion. Each participant gets three submissions critiqued; there is also the option of submitting your entire novel for critique. The workshopping follows the Odyssey guidelines but is longer and more in depth. Jeanne Cavelos oversees all aspects of TNEO but does not teach it; Jeanne participates along with everyone else. A different graduate serves as moderator each year, and participants offer lectures.

Convention Get-Togethers:
At some of the bigger conventions, such as WorldCon (the World Science Fiction Convention), the World Fantasy Convention, the World Horror Convention, Boskone, etc., when a number of Odfellows are attending, we try to organize some sort of activity: a group dinner, a workshopping session, or whatever. If you’re planning to go to a con, post it to Odfellow Discussion or let Jeanne Cavelos know at, and you can meet up with others who are going.

Odyssey Online Discussion:
A discussion board for all Odyssey Online graduates, focused on writing and writing-related issues. Members ask questions, offer information, report progress (or the lack thereof), report sales and rejections, share problems, market information, and insights about writing. Because this is a large group, we try to keep on topic, so members aren’t overwhelmed with posts on topics that aren’t of interest. The people on this group have a wide range of backgrounds and knowledge and can be a great resource for you. The group is run by Anahita Ayasoufi (graduate of 5 Odyssey Online classes) at If you sign up, you will receive a welcome message from Anahita with information about how the group works. You may want to introduce yourself as part of your first post.

Odyssey Online Critique:
A discussion board for exchanging critiques with graduates of Odyssey’s workshops and Odyssey’s online classes. Members post their manuscripts. You can critique whichever submissions you want, whenever you want. The board is run by Jenny Green (class of ’17) at If you sign up, she will send you an e-mail with more information about how the group works.

Convention Get-Togethers:
At some of the bigger conventions, such as WorldCon (the World Science Fiction Convention), the World Fantasy Convention, the World Horror Convention, Boskone, etc., when a number of Odyssey graduates are attending, we try to organize some sort of activity: a group dinner, a workshopping session, or whatever. If you’re planning to go to a con, post it to Odyssey Online Discussion or let Jeanne Cavelos know at, and you can meet up with others who are going.