Odyssey Class of 1999

Front Row: Dawn Schuldenfrei, Corinne Cullen Hawkins, Deborah Bryant, Jeanne Cavelos, Cherie Wein
Middle Row: Thompson Parker, Thomas Seay, Lane Robins, Paul Schilling, Keith Demanche
Back Row: David Lowrey, Roxanne Hutton, Sandra Jamison, Ed Heiland, Glen J. Kanigan-Fairen, George Williams
George Williams
I am in Jeanne’s debt for everything I’ve learned at Odyssey. A tremendous wealth of information and guidance.
Thomas Seay
I first came to Odyssey thinking I knew what I was doing as a writer, and I left knowing how far I have to go. My writing skills have vastly improved, giving me a huge jump over other aspiring writers. All I really know to say is this: Odyssey is the best decision I’ve ever made for my writing career.
Dawn Schuldenfrei
This was an excellent workshop. I learned at least a thousand things here that it would have taken me years to figure out on my own. None of the books on writing out there can explain things more clearly or practically than Jeanne, and the feedback from her and other students was invaluable.
Thompson Parker
More than just a writing workshop, Odyssey teaches you to be a good writer. It’s very different to learn to write fiction from a book. Jeanne’s combination of classroom instruction and applied learning through workshopping manuscripts is unbeatable.
Lane Robins
Very worth the time, money, and effort.
Glen J. Kanigan-Fairen
I learned more in the first week of Odyssey than I have at three other workshops combined. You will never find a better instructor than Jeanne. If you are serious, then come, no matter what.
Roxanne Hutton
Please don’t [go] to Odyssey, I don’t need the competition!
Sandra Jamison
This was an excellent experience. I came as an idea, developed into a story, and left with an unpredictable but inevitable ending.
Paul Schilling
The difference between what I wrote before Odyssey and after is like the difference between classical and quantum mechanics. It’s not that I was wrong, now I’m just more right.
Memorable Quotes from the Class of 1999
“You get depth in a story by making contrasts.”
—Ben Bova
“I think if he’s a serial killer maybe we should see him killing somebody.”
—George Williams
“This sucks! I’m so mad at it.”
—Lane Robins
“I think you can make this simultaneously a story that makes your readers want to vomit and one that works with the characters and situation.”
—Thomas Seay
“I just imagined he would eat the eyes like grapes.”
—Thomas Seay
“I’ve never been seduced by demons or anything.”
—Deborah Bryant
“I liked Anthony ’til he scooped out her eyes.”
—Sandi Jamison
“Can an antler slash a steel-belted radial? I just don’t know.”
—Deborah Bryant
“These aren’t LUCKY CHARMS fairies.”
—Glen Kanigan-Fairen
“It’s a pick-up line for evil monsters.”
—Corinne Cullen Hawkins
“It’s just another one of those eye-scooping stories.”
—Ben Bova
“Of course you are a six-foot-tall Canadian, so I liked it some….”
—Thomas Seay
“You cannot split the sun!”
—Sandi Jamison
“I look better dead than you do.”
—Corinne Cullen Hawkins
“This shouldn’t be marriage; this should be entertaining.”
—Deborah Bryant
“The others were entertaining. This one is just plain mean.”
—Cherie Wein
“I would run screaming out of this place and dig a hole for myself if this was the only place I could go.”
—Deborah Bryant
“I expect when he’s alone in his room that he’s at least going to kick a dog or something.”
—Deborah Bryant
“I really liked the live chicken head spinning around.”
—Corinne Cullen Hawkins
“Captain Kirk didn’t roam the galaxy looking for wives.”
—Paul Schilling
“She’s very perceptive, even if she is a few midi-chlorians short of a Jedi.”
—Roxanne Hutton
“In a page, you made me feel like, okay, maybe I wasn’t such a bad husband.”
—Paul Schilling
“Son of a duke.”
—George Williams
“Princes hit on maids until they were married.”
—Paul Schilling
“It’s sort of a racy fable, like if Quentin Tarrantino directed ‘Little Bo Peep.'”
—Glen Kanigan-Fairen