Odyssey Class of 2017

Front Row (bottom) Julie A. Helling, Jenny Green, Elektra Hammond, Michael Hallows
Middle Row Maggie MacAlpine, Katherine Heath Shaeffer, Caroline Lee, Odyssey Director Jeanne Cavelos, Russ Nickel
Back Row (top) Erin Wilcox, Jason Rykiel, Sophia Feddersen, Jason Febery, Kristen Ross, Edward G. Gauthier
Not Pictured E Senteio
Photo taken by Resident Supervisor Zoe Zygmunt

Jason Febery
Spending the past six weeks at Odyssey has been an extraordinary experience. I have learned so much about the writing process that would have taken me much longer to learn by myself. Jeanne Cavelos is amazing, as an instructor, lecturer, and mentor. I highly recommend Odyssey to anyone considering it!

Sophia Feddersen
Odyssey has transformed my writing to a level I wouldn’t otherwise have been able to reach.

Edward G. Gauthier
I have workshopped with Ernest Gaines at University of Louisiana, with Robert Olen Butler, with Steve Almond, and for 4 years at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival. Odyssey Writing Workshop is head and shoulders above all of that. Jeanne Cavelos has built the best workshop available anywhere, in my opinion.

Jenny Green
This is the most professional workshop I had ever been in, including an MFA program. Express lane to a career as professional writer.

Michael Hallows
Odyssey is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and lived up to the very high expectations I had coming in. I learned more in 6 weeks here than an entire MFA program.

Julie A. Helling
Odyssey has been a life-changing step in my writing journey. I am a college professor (teaching for 17 years) and I seriously think Jeanne Cavelos is one of the best educators I have ever met. The curriculum is demanding, comprehensive, and eye-opening—it is so worth it to take the 6 weeks to attend Odyssey.

Caroline Lee
Odyssey is the most demanding, and rewarding thing I have done in the pursuit of professional goals. Jeanne is incredibly inspiring as a teacher and as an example. I know I will be able to build on this amazing experience and feel so lucky I have been able to participate.
Thank you Jeanne, thank you fellow students, and thanks to everyone else who made the experience possible.

Maggie MacAlpine
Jeanne is a genius and even bestsellers could learn from her. I don’t know how anyone fumbles their way into a book without her guidance after having learned from her. I look forward to the day Jeanne becomes the accepted overlord on all things genre fiction writing.

Russ Nickel
Odyssey gave me the boost I needed to finally go and write that novel! Honestly, I see it as a huge turning point in my career.

Jason Rykiel
I try not to think about my alternate timeline, the one where I did not get to attend the Odyssey Writing Workshop. In that world, a writer struggles without guidance, without practical experience, without the essential tools needed to succeed in the world of published fiction. The thought of this doomed self haunted me, until I realized this: he can always try again next year.

Katherine Heath Shaeffer
Odyssey is an amazing and transformative experience that has forever altered how I read, write, and think. Jeanne is a supportive teacher who offers invaluable feedback and even more invaluable encouragement.

Erin Wilcox
The primary challenge of this course is mental. Odyssey requires a degree of endurance that will test the most assiduous writer. I gave it my all, and I learned more than I’d dreamed I could in six short weeks.

Kristen Ross
Pat Conroy once famously said that teaching is an art form. If this is the case (and I believe it is) then Jeanne Cavelos is fantastic fiction’s very own Michelangelo. More than a person with a near encyclopedic knowledge of literature, Jeanne embodies a rare combination of superior editing skills with an exceptionally creative mind and talent for applying even the most difficult to grasp concepts in a way that is accessible to her students. The result is nothing short of transformative; a word you will hear bandied about by many of Jeanne’s former students, and with good reason. Under Jeanne’s tutelage I was able to, for the first time, truly understand, and, most importantly, pinpoint my own weaknesses. Through deep daily practice and an exhaustive lesson in revision, I now possess the tools necessary for launching my professional career as a writer. Perhaps, if I am very lucky, I will be another one of her many success stories. Odyssey is indeed an odyssey, and Jeanne Cavelos the only captain fearless enough to steer its crew through the storm towards clear skies. Anyone who finds him or herself working alongside Jeanne is a very lucky soul indeed.

Elektra Hammond

E Senteio
Memorable Quotes from the Class of 2017
“A crying baby doesn’t do anything for me. A cat sleeping in the sun, that makes me feel something.”
“Go find vampire, go kill vampire, deal with uncomfortable divorce emotion.”
“I loved this line almost to the point I wanted to tattoo it on my back.”
“’The weight of it sat on me like a massive stone.’ Well, that’s because it is a massive stone.”
“Maybe the air is some kind of sphincter in this world.”
“I’m jealous of your brain. I want a magic brain, too.”
“He has ‘gobstables.’”
“It’s hard for me to care because they are so dumb.”
“It’s like when you fall asleep while your grandparents are talking to you, and you wake up, and they are still talking to you.”
—Mark Gottlieb
“Do whatever crazy thing that happens that fits the causal chain.”
“She’s looking for a reason to like him, and all she can see is this forehead.”
“Have an instinct for whichever words just! Aren’t! Needed!”
—David Brin
“Spider buying man is a great super hero.”
“I wonder how much science fiction is people being eaten?”
“Friends are the most important thing, and humans suck.”
“The lack of socks has no impact.”
“I think the strongest word in the sentence is carcass.”
“He’s so tired he can’t even dredge up a verb.”
“I particularly like all the to be verbs.”
“It’s like you’re hurting me.”
“I feel a little bit like a serial killer, but I really think someone needs to die.”
“I enjoy a good beating.”
“I’m actually very funny, guys.”
—Jason R.
“I just love gossip so much.”
“It’s probably the Canadian in me talking.”
“I made brownies. Save me from myself.”
“You can’t have a story with poop in it unless it hits somebody.”
“I had a lot of fun hating her.”
“He’s maybe a little gross.”
—Jason R.
“Too weird to live too tired to die.”
“He’s got his whole serial killer career ahead of him.”
—Jason R.
“Everything is Star Wars.”
“I like it when math has words.”
“If it feels awkward and weird, then you are doing deep practice.”
“There should be a secret sentence in every scene that is written around.”
“Had data dumps are really your enemy.”
—David Brin
“Irony is a bird that has learned to love its cage.”
“The present is eternal.”
“Nobody is God, but Jeanne is pretty close.”
“Shahara’s gone to spunky princess school.”
“It takes many people a long time to become an overnight success.”
—Alex Jablokov
“If I had a dollar for every character who hugged his knees, I wouldn’t be here.”
“Horror verges on the numinous at either end.”
—Gemma Files
“To be verb! To be verb! Awk! Awk!”
“Writing is almost as lonely as bathing.”
“I’d give you a standing ovation, Jeanne, but I’m too tired to stand.”
“True horror at last. Num num.”
“Since I put on these last eight pounds I’m a lot less stealthy.”
“I’m going to slunch.”
“I’m not too proud for cheese.”
“You want them to tear the book in half, throw it out the window, and dive after it.”
—David Brin
“It made me wonder why the puking wasn’t described in real time.”
—Jason F.
“I feel very privileged to have the whole masochistic experience.”
“Are racoons horrifying now?”
“Amp it up and hurt someone.”
“Transitioning from church mouse to sociopath.”
—Gemma Files
“I don’t know much about psychopaths, but . . .”
“Even when he attacked her—it’s pretty normal to me.”
“It gave me kind of a sparkly feeling.”
“I’m glad I’m not that guy.”
—Jason R.
“I wasn’t sure whether excrement had been released into the atmosphere.”
“He had a crappy sense of humor.”
—Jason F.
“We have to know it’s a clock that’s melting.”
“You’ve achieved your goal. I was very disturbed.”
“He’s really out of touch with food products.”
—Jason R.
“The dawning of a serial killer comes more slowly.”