Online Class Application

The application form below requires you to include a fiction writing sample of 1,000 words maximum. This may be a complete short story or an excerpt from a longer work, but it may not exceed 1,000 words. Those who use an excerpt should specify that it is an excerpt and note whether it is an excerpt from a short story or a novel.

If you submit an excerpt, you are strongly encouraged to submit the beginning of the work. If you do submit an excerpt that is not the beginning of a work, you should note that and provide a brief synopsis that sets up the excerpt. The synopsis counts as part of your 1,000 words.

Your application must be submitted with the $10 application fee.

ODYSSEY AI (Artificial Intelligence) POLICY: No portion of your application or fiction writing sample may be developed, drafted, or written by AI apps, generators, bots, or similar tools, and you may not be assisted in these tasks by these tools. Violation of this policy may result in your being banned from applying to Odyssey programs in the future. Use of basic spellcheck and grammar-check does not violate Odyssey’s policy. If you have any questions, contact us.

Odyssey Online Classes are currently closed for submissions.